Oct 29th telegram updates are here!
It's been a highly requested feature, so we have finally added it!
All outage updates and notices for this site will be posted on telegram.
Here's the link: https://t.me/+2KOt4aWjayA3NzVk
If you live under a rock and don't know what that means though... It means you can now get push notifications on your phone in a secure manner.
Oct 9th double billing error
It seems a few customers (so far only about 5 people) have noticed they are being charged double when they go to pay their invoice.If this happens to you, it was a bug in our database so don't pay it! Reach out to our billing team with a ticket and we will remove the extra charge before you pay.If you pay by accident, we will issue a full refund ... Читать далі »